miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016

Week Four - Character analysis

Topic Four - Character Analysis

Holden Caulfield

Resultado de imagen para holden caulfieldResultado de imagen para holden caulfieldResultado de imagen para holden caulfieldResultado de imagen para holden caulfieldImagen relacionada

Role in the story: Is the main character and the narrator of the story. He is expelled from a school called Pencey (because of bad grades), he doesn´t want to go straight home (because he was supposed to arrive there a few days later), and he decides to go to New York meanwhile. He is depressed and he has another “issues”, so he ends up in weird, strange, intense and dangerous situations during his stay in New York. He is telling us his story in first person.

Physical description: Tall, dark hair with grey spots, very thin, clean shaven face, very “white” skin (pale) and short hair. He likes to wear a hunting hat.

Psychological description: He doesn´t like school in general, so he gets bad grades (but he could get better grades if he wanted to). He is teenager going through a very hard moment, because he doesn´t have close friends and he doesn´t have the support of his parents. He had a couple of very traumatic situations that changed his life: The death of his little brother Allie (because of a disease) and the suicide of a guy in Pencey (because of bullying). This events (mainly, Allie´s death), made a big influence in Holden´s personality. And when something bad happens, he kinds of feel responsible.

He is very sensitive with his feelings because we can appreciate that he is not very happy with himself, he doesn’t have a good self esteem and he is constantly judging everything and everyone around (He uses a lot the word “phony”, which means: “fake”), he sees the negative part in almost everything. He could get aggressive if he needed to, and he hated “bad guys”; he hated everyone that could affect someone´s innocence. 

He has troubles making friends and relating to others, however, he is too “nice” with others, so he ends up hanging out with weird guys like Ackley. He always had some kind of attraction for girls, but in a special way. He likes mutual relationships, where there is love, respect and kindness; he doesn´t like to go straight to the “sexual part”.

It´s more than clear that Holden is mentally unstable, possibly because of his previous experiences, however, without support and healthy relationships with others, he couldn´t get over it. He sees the world from a very unique perspective, which is the interesting part of the book.


Resultado de imagen para stradlater catcher in the ryeResultado de imagen para stradlater catcher in the ryeResultado de imagen para stradlater catcher in the rye
Role in the novel: Holden´s roommate at Pencey. Had a fight with Holden because of a girl.

Physical description: Handsome, tall, strong, white, clean shaven, big muscles, combed back hair.

Psychological description: Has a high self-esteem, very self satisfied and very popular; however, his toiletries are unclean. He has a lot of sexual activity and experience, and he could get “dangerous” because of this; he doesn´t treat the girls properly, he could get very insistent. He is not very good at school, or maybe he has too much social activity, and no time for homework.

Allie Caulfield 

Resultado de imagen para allie caulfieldResultado de imagen para allie caulfield
Resultado de imagen para allie caulfield

Role in the novel: Holden´s little brother, who died at eleven years old from Leukemia. He is some kind of “guardian” for Holden. He is a great kid for Holden. His dead was something very traumatic for Holden.

Physical description: Red hair, left-handed, white skin, innocent look.

Psychological description: Allie was very sensitive and emotional; he used to write poems on his baseball glove. According to Holden, he's the most intelligent, nicest and sweetest kid, with the best sense of humor you'll ever meet. I think that everyone should have an Allie in their lives.

Phoebe Caulfield

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Role in the novel: Holden´s little sister. She is also great for Holden. Holden loves her and trusts her very much. In some way, Holden got better thanks to her.

Physical description: Similar to Allie. Red hair, pretty and innocent look.

Psychological description: She is very smart for a ten year old girl. She is a nice student and a nice daughter (and sister). She is also very funny and sweet, and she is a good dancer. Even, she was far away from Holden for a while, she is capable to understand the situation, and she even helped Holden (with dough). We can see that she is really a great girl, because she is good at school, she is kind, she likes to hang out with friends (skating), she is intelligent, she is very nice with Holden… anyway, I think that she is pretty mature for his short age. 

Every parent would love to have a daughter like Phoebe.


Resultado de imagen para ackley catcher in the ryeResultado de imagen para ackley catcher in the ryeResultado de imagen para ackley catcher in the rye

Role in the novel: Looks for company with Holden, at Pencey.

Description: He is very ugly, pimples all over his face, dirty look. He is a very annoying guy with bad social skills. He usually goes to Holden´s room, and moves everything from it´s place. He is capable of cutting his toenails all over the flor. He things he is the best, and that he is superior than Holden. No one likes Ackley. Also, he has very disgusting teeth. I think that he is looking for atention, so he acts like that; and he tries to fit with the others (by acting like a jerk), I think that in the bottom he is not a bad person, he just needs to improve his "personal care" habits.


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Resultado de imagen para black guy playing piano

Role in the novel: He is just an amazing piano player at a bar that Holden used to go.

Description: Its a big black guy who plays piano very good. He has his own bar and he has a very high self esteem. He takes himself very seriously. All of his clients love him and cheer him. He bows after he plays. It´s an example of someone that Holden would hate.

5 comentarios:

  1. I love who you pictures the characters!, great pictures

  2. The images of the characters are exactly like imagine them !!

  3. The images of the characters are exactly like imagine them !!

  4. I really enjoyed the way you portrayed the characters. Thank you for sharing.
